Success Stories.



  • “Gold Medals are hard to come by, so are great nutritional supplements. POWER FOR LIFE is a winner!”

    Peter Evans - Olympic Gold Medalist - Swimming

  • “I take POWER FOR LIFE before I go to the gym and when I come home from work. It energized me and prevents an afternoon lull in energy.

    And as for coffee… out the window! 15 years later I still love this green power.”

    Gregory Bloom- Weekend Warrior- Santa Barbara, CA.

  • “Everyone has been told you are what you eat, but they don’t get it. We all know that the body is a matter of chemistry, but we ignore it. Unfortunately, most of us keep eating diets of nutrient deficient food until the body is in breakdown, or a state of disease, and then we wonder why. The fact of the matter is, most people know zip about nutrition. Antioxidants, pro-biotics, trace minerals, pro-digestive enzymes, carotenoids and phytonutrients are beyond most people’s attention span. Vibrant health requires a diet of live foods that feed and protect cellular structures.

    The consumer public should be extremely grateful for POWER FOR LIFE because it is great nutrition in the closest thing to a fast food package they will ever get. Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE is everything proper nutrition is about; live food and cell regeneration. Someone finally had the brains to put the most potent and nutrient rich ingredients on the planet all in one bottle. Now that’s smart! I applaud you, Terra Oceana.”

    Zane Baranowski- Certified Nutritionist, Author, Durango, CO

  • “POWER FOR LIFE is a wonderful product. As an Acupuncturist I see a lot of products come and go claiming to change your life. Well this one really did. I am a cancer survivor and was treated with chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant 7 1/2 years ago. Even with the benefit of Chinese Medicine, a healthy diet and lifestyle, I never recovered my energy. I would slow down over the day and run out of energy by late afternoon. This really curtailed my life and my work.

    I was so grateful to be able to have started POWER FOR LIFE and by the second week knew it wasn’t my imagination that I was feeling better all day and into the evening. My thinking is clearer and I have stamina to work all day with energy left over for friends and activities in the evening.

    What a wonderful gift!! I have been taking POWER FOR LIFE for two years now. I love this product and happily recommend it to my patients, friends and family.”

    Kathleen McGregor, Acupuncturist, Ojai, CA

  • "I was originally introduced to Terraoceana’s POWER FOR LIFE while on a ski trip in Colorado. At the time, coincidentally, I was searching for a pro-health, organic wholefood supplement that would enhance my athletic pursuits by increasing energy and endurance while shortening recovery time.

    POWER FOR LIFE continues to exceed my expectations and enables me to set more demanding athletic goals. While I was initally drawn to POWER FOR LIFE for the myriad of health benefits, supporting Terraoceana now frequently reminds me of the underlying vision of Alexis’ company and charitable pursuits: you must first take care of yourself in order to take care of others.

    I am proud to support Terraoceana’s products on a reoccurring basis, helping to save hurting animals that in time contribute to therapy programs that enhance the lives of children, the disabled and recovering veterans."

    Charles Leger, Athlete - Illinois

  • “I am a former board member of HEAL EDUCATION AIDS LIAISON (HEAL), and as such have seen remarkable improvement in the condition of the AIDS Related Complex (ARC) and AIDS diagnosed individuals I am in contact with. General well being has improved, energy levels increase, and there appears to be generally less opportunistic infections reported. In one case, a dramatic reversal of wasting symptoms (loss of weight including muscle mass ) occurred, with the individual returning to being able to eat well, regain strength and return to work full time. In the individuals I refer to there was no change in their treatment regimens or lifestyle except the addition of Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE formula.

    For myself as a former Australian swimming champion and team coach, and one who has extensively studied the nutritional supplement needs of athletes and other individuals needing to operate at peak level, I have personally experienced several benefits from Terra Oceana.

    At age sixty-three, I’ve experienced a greater sense of well being, a noticeable increase in muscle strength, an improved cellular metabolism that has resulted in greater endurance and shortened recovery time during exercise, better intestinal track function, and other less quantifiable benefits such as a clearer, more agile mind. I thought you would like to know I think your product is the best of its type that I have tried.”

    Roger E. Boswarva- Ability Consultants Inc, New York, N.Y.

  • “I first met Alexis some twenty years ago. My son had a serious health problem and through the recommendation of a friend I sought her out. Upon meeting her I had reservations that this attractive woman could also possibly possess the kind of knowledge and ability needed to help my son. However, I was very wrong in having concerns…she helped him greatly. I was so impressed, I had her design a program for me as well.

    I lost touch with her for a number of years until I ran into two friends that had been working with her. They had lost weight and looked great! One was now able to throw away most of the medications he had been taking for years. I wanted some of whatever they had. Her knowledge, guidance and coaching changed both my son’s and my life. I am so grateful! And POWER FOR LIFE is a staple in our house.”

    Anthony Carraccio- Santa Barbara, CA

  • “The first time I took POWER FOR LIFE I could literally feel my body absorb the nutrients. It felt like an explosion of energy being released inside my body and immediately, I knew I needed these nutrients!

    Since then I have learned that POWER FOR LIFE is loaded with a balanced power house of nutrition my body craves and I feel my best when I take it regularly. The sports I love are very physically demanding and I feel POWER FOR LIFE has everything my body needs to do its job and take the guess work out of staying healthy! That’s why after 12 years I still faithfully take POWER FOR LIFE.”

    John Travis- Park City, Utah - Real Estate Developer/ All- American College Skier/ Competitive Country Ballroom-Dancer

  • “I have been challenged for 24 years from the debilitating vocal disorder Spasmodic Dysphonia, which has necessitated many surgeries that have consequently weakened my respiratory and immune systems. In the Christmas of 1997, Stein Eriksen introduced me to POWER FOR LIFE. Soon after I began taking it, my body experienced a “tune up”. My immune system improved and I felt younger and healthier!

    POWER FOR LIFE has provided me with true mental and physical healing. I am very grateful to Alexis and her amazing product. Now, 18 years later in 2015, I faithfully take my POWER FOR LIFE twice a day, to still amazing effect.”

    Sandra Heath- Stowe, Vermont

  • “POWER FOR LIFE is one of the best products I’ve used in years. Before I began taking POWER FOR LIFE, I was already feeling quite healthy and energetic, but after taking it daily for a month I reached a whole new level of well-being. But to me, the greatest benefit has been a more regular bowel movement. For a person who grew up constipated, that is phenomenal.”

    Virginia Taylor- Yoga Instructor- New York, N.Y.

  • “As an athlete and devotee of health, I find POWER FOR LIFE to be magical. It energizes each day and I feel an enormous difference in my workouts using this excellent product. I recommend it to everyone as a major life enhancing supplement . I also know that Alexis maintains very high standards in regards to the product’s ingredients. She is to be commended in providing a wonderful, high quality, unique product that supports every area of one’s health.”

    Christopher Chambers, New York, N.Y.

  • “I had no idea that I was undernourished. I started POWER FOR LIFE and my body and mind woke up. I have steadily transformed since. I’m alert, sleeping through the night, cystic acne has completely cleared, my immunity is at a all time high, no more food cravings, no hunger between meals, no longer thirsty all the time. My cells are absorbing the nutrients and water they need to keep me in optimal health. I feel more and more balanced every day. I will never go a day without it. Thank you, Alexis, for a life changing product!”

    Krista Swanson, PhD. - Vail, CO

  • “I don’t ever write so called ‘testimonials’ for any product, but in this case I feel compelled.

    POWER FOR LIFE was recommended to me with glowing enthusiasm: It does this, improves that, energy this, reduces that…’ My immediate response was … whatever, heard that crap many times over. I decided to ‘roll the dice’ on this POWER FOR LIFE thing for one week. The rest is history.

    This little slice of Heaven propels me into every day!!! Cutting to the chase, my energy level has been redefined. Do not…. and will not…. start my day without it.”

    Rex Linn-Actor-Miami CSI, State of Affairs, Nashville

  • “I run marathons, a lot of half marathons, 16 mile trail runs, that kind of thing. I’m 74 years old and these older models require a little bit more maintenance, and more attention to good dietary program. I know that POWER FOR LIFE is a good supplement for my training regimen.

    POWER FOR LIFE has helped me, in my activities and the life’s challenges, I’m gonna guess, for close to eighteen years.”

    Robert Walls- Engineer, Santa Barbara, Ca

  • “I notice POWER FOR LIFE’s benefits only when I run out of it–my mornings drag, in the afternoons I’m groggy, and it takes me longer to recover from working out. So, my lesson learned, take POWER FOR LIFE–it simply makes you a healthier and more energetic person.”

    John Gidry - Austin, Texas

  • "I’ve noticed that if I run out of POWER FOR LIFE and go a couple weeks without it, my nails become very brittle, my energy level drops, and I’m not able to sustain eating properly. You know you should eat three meals a day, but that actually never happens for me. I really love the product, I’m a religious user of it and have been for 20 years. I highly recommend it.”

    David Shea, Contractor- Santa Barbara

  • “This product is amazing, I felt a difference in only 48 hours… and take POWER FOR LIFE to this day.”

    Kate Spenser- Magazine Editor

  • “I start everyday with POWER FOR LIFE. I absolutely love this product.”

    Stein Erikson- Olympic Gold Medalist, Giant Slalom, Skiing

  • “POWER FOR LIFE is a powerful ally in long term protection against the disease and aging process.”

    Elliot Cromwell, M.D

  • “POWER FOR LIFE. The BEST Whole food supplement I have ever come across in 40 years as a natural health care provider.”

    Kathleen MacGregor, 5 Element Acp. Ojai, Ca

  • "I recently ran out of my POWER FOR LIFE.. I ate a lot of chocolate the other day and couldn’t figure out why I’ve been craving sweets and drinking more coffee!

    After speaking with a Terraoceana Health Wealth Adviser, she explained that POWER FOR LIFE stabilizes my blood sugar and hormone levels…which stops my cravings… Omg! So that explains it… I signed up for a monthly shipment so I never run out again!"

    Twila Santa Barbara, CA

  • “POWER FORLIFE is the BEST SUPPLEMENT I HAVE EVER USED! I started it about year and a half ago. Had debilitating IBS symptoms for years. Dissipated after the first bottle; after second bottle, symptoms gone. Also had 6-8 Bladder infections a year….Also gone! I love this and can’t wait to take it every day, twice a day.”

    Peggy Hauck, Solvang, CA

  • "I have suffered from excessive migraines since August 2004. The Doctors had tried every type of pain management including all the new migraine medication, morphine and epidural injections into my spine. All of them brought little or no relief.

    In December 2010, I found Terraoceana’s products. I booked a coaching series with Alexis and I started taking POWER FOR LIFE, PURE PROBIOTICS and INJURY RELIEF.

    After one month, my migraines were greatly reduced with many days of complete relief. After years of extreme pain, the world is a different place for me. I look forward to greeting the day now.

    And years later, except on rare occasion, I am pain free. And to think I am supporting a great cause by choosing products that benefit horses, children and US Veterans in need… what could be better?"

    Allison Johnson, Westlake, Caifornia

  • “I have seen remarkable improvement in the condition of the HIV diagnosed individual and the AIDS-related complex with the sole addition of POWER FOR LIFE to their diet.”

    Roger Boswarva- New York, NY

  • “POWER FOR LIFE gives me the essential green nutrients that I know I need on a daily basis but that my daily diet lacks. It boosts my immune system and serves as a “stress buster” that counteracts the challenges of life. POWER FOR LIFE is a hi-tech form of health insurance that comes in a bottle… to top it off, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, so it is great for those who are on the go.”

    Jim Bavacqua - Los Angeles, Ca

  • “I have seen POWER FOR LIFE make an amazing difference in the skin, eyes, nails and health of those who use it. I even put a tablespoon of it in special masks I send home with my actors.”

    Deborah Larsen- Hollywood Make Up Artist

  • "I have noticed increased, balanced, and sustained energy in all my clients. Everyone absolutely loves POWER FOR LIFE!”

    Sarah Novak- Acupuncturist- Los Angeles, CA

  • “In the last twenty years I have tried every kind of dietary supplement available …POWER FOR LIFE is the best product I’ve ever taken. It really works!”

    Anthony Carroccio- Santa Barbara, CA

  • “POWER FOR LIFE has earned a special place of trust and confidence with us from many years of use. It has changed and enhanced the overall health and well-being of our entire family, enabling us to live the active, healthy lifestyle we have come to love. Today, all the generations of the Gorsuch’s, as well as our animals, benefit from Alexis Ells’ insight, coaching and extraordinary product, POWER FOR LIFE.”

    Dave & Renie Gorsuch, Gorsuch LTD, Vail, CO

  • “While in the ‘golden years’ of my life, I am still extremely busy riding and training dressage horses on a daily schedule, and traveling for business, judging and pleasure. I often do not take time to eat breakfast or lunch but found that if I make a POWER FOR LIFE smoothie, I have the energy I need to keep a very active life style without any problem.

    As an Immunologist, I know what good heath requires… a strong immune system. I love this product, and I take it with me while traveling as well.”

    Dr. Gail Hoff-Carmona Phd. Immunologist, FEI Judge and Trainer

  • “I know what it takes to create great health and top athletic performance. Superior nutrition requires quality and consistency in one’s supplement choices. For the past 12 years, my wife, who competes in triathlons and I have faithfully taken POWER FOR LIFE. It gives us the cutting edge EVERYONE needs for health and longevity. We never go a day without it!”

    Gary Miller - US Women's Ski Coach

  • “POWER FOR LIFE fills in all the nutritional holes in my daily diet. I take it in the morning and notice a huge increase in my energy level and focus… and my skin even looks better. This stuff is amazing!”

    Kimberly Garsed, Owner-Urban Dog -LA. Ca & US Polo player

  • “I want to thank you so much for introducing me to POWER FOR LIFE. There are so many things for me to accomplish in one day, and I need vibrant energy to get it all done! I start my day with Power For Life and truly feel that I get a daily dose of power and energy! Thank you.”

    Reverand Karen Wylie- Los Angeles, CA

  • "Living a fast and adventurous lifestyle of late nights and fun, POWER FOR LIFEi & POWER PROTEIN PLUS helps me to spring back faster with no signs of my previous misadventures."

    Melissa Montgomery, Austin,TX

  • " I love Terraoceana's Power for Life! I have tried ALL, and I mean ALL the green formulas out there and NOTHING works as well as yours.

    I feel a shift in energy immediately, along with the long term benefits. An added bonus is your education team - they never fail to provide incredibly helpful, useful and important health information for us!"

    Lucinda Armacost - Sarasota, Fla.

  • "I just wanted to say thank you for formulating POWER FOR LIFE! This product has been the best thing that has ever happened for my health. People can't believe that I'm 80 years old and have never had to take any prescription meds. God was looking out after me many years ago when he brought Alexis into my life!

    My cholesterol was always over 200, but is now under that and my triglycerides are very low. My blood pressure has vastly improved as well. Friends and family that used to make fun of me for drinking my Power green shake every morning are now seeing that there really is something special about it.

    I'm the only one in our circle of friends that never got Covid and I'm convinced it's because of POWER FOR LIFE!

    If you value good health and or have any health issues, I would highly recommend that you give POWER FOR LIFE a try. I truly believe that you will be amazed with the results!"

    Midge Gentieu - Pismo Beach, Ca

  • “I am always filled with a sense of wonder and awe when I see and hear Alexis work.

    Everyone has greatness in them, but few actualize it as she has. She is greatness personified"

    L. F. Bender, Santa Ynez, Ca


  • "Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. It continues to have a powerful impact on the animal care world."

    Dr. Ted Weiner, DVM New York, N.Y.

  • “Thank you Alexis for your passion for horses and what you do for all the animals… You are amazing!”

    Wayne Pacelle- President US Humane Society

  • “Certain people have the ability to see beyond what man and medicine think is absolute. Alexis Ells is one of these rare creations. I have used and appreciated the medical abilities and insights that she has brought to me and my practice.

    Alexis has shown me many things that are definitely outside the box of present day medical learning. These tools have helped my patients, whether dogs, cats, horses or humans. I hope my thoughts will help you decide who is best qualified to assist you and your animals. Alexis Ells is the best of the best.”

    Dr. Alfred Plechner, DVM- Author, Los Angeles, CA

  • “My dog Diva, a beautiful German Pointer, pinched a nerve in her spine and spent six weeks in a hospital without much improvement. When she came home, the condition didn’t change. A friend recommended I consult with Alexis Ells and that’s when the change actually did begin.

    Alexis designed a custom tailored diet, supplement and homeopathic remedy program and coached us on many levels. She also gave Diva eight Body Balance Sessions, although, it was quite remarkable, Diva was up and walking after the first session. Diva can now enjoy trips to the beach and is my constant companion again.

    Alexis Ells is to be congratulated on the wonderful innovated work she does with animals and all the wisdom she teaches to the animal caretaker. Diva is a living testimonial to her effectiveness. Words cannot adequately express our deep and sincere gratitude.”

    Don Messick, Voice of Sooby Do, Boo Boo Bear, etc. Santa Barbara, CA

  • “My dog, Doonesberry and I want to express our deep gratitude for saving her life. She is my best friend and was so very ill. Your guidance made a difficult journey much easier when traditional western medicine said there was no hope for a kind of quality of life and that she should be euthanized. I am so glad I got one more opinion… and that was yours.

    The abundant knowledge you possess and so generously share is needed by every person, dog, cat and horse. Keep up your incredible work Alexis, this planet needs you.”

    James D'Amato, Musical Engineer, Sag Harbor, N.Y.

  • "Matisse is a 10yr old Standard Poodle who has suffered with Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome since he was a young puppy. He has required antibiotics his entire life with cycles of six weeks on and two weeks off and then another round for six weeks again. Even then, he still had episodes until I put him on a combination of Terraoceana’s Pure Probiotics and Power for Life.

    I am grateful to say he is now stable for the first time in his life with a rare episode that is usually brought on from eating an allergen. I was a skeptic and now I am a true believer in the power for correct supplementation."

    Sandra Ackerman, Animal Behaviorist

  • "The notable supplement for the new millennium. We tested this product on a geriatric dog and also on a pregnant female. Both dogs showed increased energy and noticeable well-being, especially the older canine. Performance dogs may benefit from its use as well."

    Dog World Magazine

  • "We use POWER FOR LIFE for all our show and personal dogs. We recommend it exclusively for our clients."

    Setterwood Dog Training

  • "POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. I recommend it for all our canine and feline clients."

    Dr. Richard Burke, DVM, New York, N.Y.

  • "All of our dogs and cats thrive on POWER FOR LIFE. Whether they are pregnant, young, adults or elderly, this products meets all of their nutritional demands across the board."

    Elizabeth J. Martin, Billings, Montana

  • "By adding POWER FOR LIFE to our rescued animals daily feed, our vet bills have been significantly reduced. They have better overall health and seem to adjust to stress easier."

    Paws Rescue Center - Dogs & Cats

  • "Since taking POWER FOR LIFE, this dog shines! would never guess her age. She runs circles around me and won’t eat her food without it. It’s amazing!"

    Amy Grill- Pres. Second Chances Animal Companions

  • "POWER FOR LIFE has earned a special place of trust and confidence with us from many years of use. It has changed and enhanced the overall health and well-being of our entire family, enabling us to live the active, healthy lifestyle we have come to love.

    Today, all the generations of the Gorsuch’s, as well as our animals, benefit from Alexis Ells’ insight, coaching and extraordinary product, POWER FOR LIFE."

    Dave & Renie Gorsuch, Gorsuch LTD, Vail, Colo.

  • “I am extremely impressed with your POWER FOR LIFE for use with both dogs and cats!”

    Dr. Carol Ann Morris DVM

  • "I have a special interest in nutrition, allergies and endinocrinology. For over 25 years now I have recommended Terra Oceana’s products for all my dog and cat clients.

    Their foundation product, POWER FOR LIFE, provides superior nutrition for all stages of life and delivers incredible results on a consistent basis for your animals."

    Dr. Alfred J. Plechner DVM, Author- Pets At Risk


  • "Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. It continues to have a powerful impact on the animal care world."

    Dr. Ted Weiner, DVM New York, N.Y.

  • "I have a special interest in nutrition, allergies and endinocrinology. For over 25 years now I have recommended Terra Oceana’s products for all my dog and cat clients.

    Their foundation product, POWER FOR LIFE, provides superior nutrition for all stages of life and delivers incredible results on a consistent basis for your animals."

    Dr. Alfred J. Plechner DVM, Author- Pets At Risk

  • "I am extremely impressed with your POWER FOR LIFE for use with both dogs and cats!"

    Dr. Carol Ann Morris DVM

  • "By adding POWER FOR LIFE to our rescued animals daily feed, our vet bills have been significantly reduced. They have better overall health and seem to adjust to stress easier."

    Paws Rescue Center - Dogs & Cats

  • "All of our dogs and cats thrive on POWER FOR LIFE. Whether they are pregnant, young, adults or elderly, this products meets all of their nutritional demands across the board."

    Elizabeth J. Martin, Billings, Montana

  • "POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. I recommend it for all our canine and feline clients."

    Dr. Richard Burke, DVM, New York, N.Y.

  • "Your support and guidance was a God send. Thank you Alexis, for being my kitty Rikki’s guardian angel."

    Idalee Henderson - Los Angeles, Ca.

  • "My cat Lucy had endless rounds of antibiotics and visits to vets for itching, infections, weight gain and digestive problems. This went on for years… and got worse as she aged. My heart was deeply saddened by Lucy’s endless suffering.

    Then we met Alexis Ells and her Terraoceana products. Alexis changed Lucy’s diet and taught me proper food supplementation. She explained the science how’s and why’s and I am grateful for her depth of knowledge. Lucy completely recovered and is a happy kitty now. Alexis quite literally saved my Lucy’s life."

    Carolyn Ringo, Santa Barbara, CA

  • "I wish everyone with a sick pet could be aware of your knowledge and healing abilities so they could avoid the terrible pain and suffering that my sweet kitty Amber Light endured until we worked with you.

    Alexis you possess an amazing blend of expertise in traditional medicine as well as wholistic modalities. You are a wonderful educator, healer and friend to all animals and their owners. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

    Janet Mills, Amber-Allen Publishing, San Rafael, CA

  • "I met Alexis Ells in the spring of 1996 because I had two cats with chronic respiratory problems that several veterinarians had given up on. Within two months of the suggested diet changes and supplements/remedy program, they both were remarkably better. Watching the way my cats responded to her, I knew I was in the presence of a woman who had a deep ands profound healing ability.

    I was so impressed that I started having coaching sessions for my own health issues. She helped me believe again in me and my ability to improve my health and that of my family’s. Saying ” thank you” does not adequately express my gratitude."

    Carolyn Stonewell, Somerville, MA

  • "I thank you deeply for your love and understanding of all animals. The still quiet and connected place you reach with them is magical to observe. I am grateful for your clarity and your knowledge of how to share it. You and your work has touched my life on a very deep level. My cats and I are forever grateful."

    Elizabeth Cohen, Massage Therapist, Santa Barbara, CA

  • “Certain people have the ability to see beyond what man and medicine think is absolute. Alexis Ells is one of these rare creations. I have used and appreciated the medical abilities and insights that she has brought to me and my practice.

    Alexis has shown me many things that are definitely outside the box of present day medical learning. These tools have helped my patients, whether dogs, cats, horses or humans. I hope my thoughts will help you decide who is best qualified to assist you and your animals. Alexis Ells is the best of the best.”

    Dr. Alfred Plechner, DVM- Author, Los Angeles, CA

  • “My cat Blue is 18 years old and has been diagnosed with old age kitty kidney failure, then, pancreatitis/ IBD. His diarrhea got worse and I even started to see blood in his stool. I was at my wits end as to what else to do as we already give him IV fluids every day. We also changed his diet to low phosphorus, no grain. (He’s too old to switch to raw foods). I did not want to put him on cortisone or any other immune suppressant drugs.

    I read an alternative therapy book for cats and came across Power for Life. Blue has been on this amazing super food since Feb. 2016 and after the 1st week, his stool returned to normal. He still has the occasional soft stool episode but nothing like before. We were so impressed that both his human parents are now also taking Power for Life.

    Thank you for such a holistic food supplement that truly works wonders.”

    Clara & Peter Leong, Scottsdale, Az


  • "Thank you Alexis for your passion for horses and what you do for all the animals… You are amazing!"

    Wayne Pacelle- President US Humane Society

  • "Certain people have the ability to see beyond what man and medicine think is absolute. Alexis Ells is one of these rare creations. I have used and appreciated the medical abilities and insights that she has brought to me and my practice.

    Alexis has shown me many things that are definitely outside the box of present day medical learning. These tools have helped my patients, whether dogs, cats, horses or humans. I hope my thoughts will help you decide who is best qualified to assist you and your animals. Alexis Ells is the best of the best."

    Dr. Alfred Plechner, DVM- Author, Los Angeles, CA

  • "Alexis’s approach to healing complements the approach we take. She uses a holistic approach and provides alternatives via many modalities to areas that western medicine cannot treat.

    Alexis and her work are important because she provides assistance and help to many horses that we cannot offer solutions for. It requires a lot of emotional strength, education, training and a very strong will to do what she does… and what Alexis does is actually very unique."

    Dr. Carter Judie, DVM-Alamo Pintado Equine Hospital, Santa Ynez, CA

  • "I have worked with Alexis Ells for over thirty five years now and I find it so gratifying to see the success of the innovative approach she implements on behalf of the rescued Thoroughbreds in her care.

    There have been numerous horses that both Alamo Pintado Equine Hospital and I have questioned if they could or would recover… and standard medicine offered no further assistance. Yet, through her skill sets and dedication, Alexis found a way to nurture and guide these horses back to usable health. The results of her rehabilitation programs continue to be quite impressive."

    Dr. Bob Saunders, DVM - Santa Barbara, CA

  • "Raising Sport Horses is our business and it’s our business to provide the best nutrition program possible. All our competition horses, brood mares and foals take POWER FOR LIFE. It’s the best nutritional plan I know of."

    Tia Schurert- Sport Horse Breeder - Pipersville, PA

  • "I had a 21 year old retired 3-Day Event horse. He retired due to navicular disease and was dependent on daily pain medication. When I added POWER FOR LIFE to his diet, he was pain free, completely off drugs, got ridden daily and was even able to go hunting again. He was able to have a great quality of life till the end of his days."

    Lou Ann Fox- Bender- Santa Ynez, CA

  • "One of our mares had several hard deliveries and actually lost a foal. After adding EQUINE POWER FOR LIFE to her feed, we’re thrilled to say, she’s had 2 perfect foals with straight legs! The filly has just received High Point Halter Filly of the year. We now feed it to ALL of our horses."

    Judy Brown- Horsebyte Farms, Boise, ID

  • "POWER FOR LIFE has earned a special place of trust and confidence with us from many years of use. It has changed and enhanced the overall health and well-being of our entire family, enabling us to live the active, healthy lifestyle we have come to love.

    Today, all the generations of the Gorsuch’s, as well as our animals, benefit from Alexis Ells’ insight, coaching and extraordinary product, POWER FOR LIFE."

    Dave & Renie Gorsuch, Gorsuch LTD, Vail, CO

  • "Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. It continues to have a powerful impact on the animal care world."

    Dr. Ted Weiner, DVM New York, N.Y.


  • "Certain people have the ability to see beyond what man and medicine think is absolute. Alexis Ells is one of these rare creations. I have used and appreciated the medical abilities and insights that she has brought to me and my practice

    .Alexis has shown me many things that are definitely outside the box of present day medical learning. These tools have helped my patients, whether dogs, cats, horses or humans. I hope my thoughts will help you decide who is best qualified to assist you and your animals. Alexis Ells is the best of the best.”

    Dr. Alfred Plechner, DVM- Author, Los Angeles, CA

  • "Alexis’s approach to healing complements the approach we take. She uses a wholistic approach and provides alternatives via many modalities to areas that western medicine cannot treat.

    Alexis and her work are important because she provides assistance and help to many horses that we cannot offer solutions for. It requires a lot of emotional strength, education, training and a very strong will to do what she does… and what Alexis does is actually very unique.”

    Dr. Carter Judie, DVM-Alamo Pintado Equine Hospital, Santa Ynez, CA

  • “POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. I recommend it for all our canine and feline clients.”

    Dr. Richard Burke, DVM, New York, N.Y

  • “I am extremely impressed with your POWER FOR LIFE for use with both dogs and cats!”

    Dr. Carol Ann Morris DVM

  • “I have a special interest in nutrition, allergies and endinocrinology. For over 25 years now I have recommended Terra Oceana’s products for all my dog and cat clients.

    Their foundation product, POWER FOR LIFE, provides superior nutrition for all stages of life and delivers incredible results on a consistent basis for your animals.”

    Dr. Alfred J. Plechner DVM, Author- Pets At Risk

  • "Terra Oceana’s POWER FOR LIFE is one of the finest products I have ever come across. It continues to have a powerful impact on the animal care world."

    Dr. Ted Weiner, DVM New York, N.Y.