• Cold & Flu Season Protection

    Unfortunately, the Cold & Flu season is here. The GOOD NEWS is that you can protect yourself and your family this fall/winter season from the normal viruses and bugs that visit most households.

    Stress, alcohol, smoking, analgesics and antidepressants deplete levels of Vitamin C and the human body cannot manufacture it on it’s own. Our WHOLEFOOD VIT C helps combat stress, resist infections, and supports natural immune defenses. Vitamin C plays an important role in absorption, assimilation & metabolism of other nutrients. Our WHOLEFOOD VIT C is a powerful antioxidant which aids in the formation of red blood cells, interferon and anti-stress hormones.

    VIRAL/FLU PROTECTION was formulated as a preventative formula to be taken several times weekly during the cold & flu season. It is extremely helpful for symptoms related to colds and flu along with muscle aches, stress, inflammations and general discomfort when ill.

    VIRAL/FLU PROTECTION is especially useful for airline travel when exposure to additional germs and airborne bacteria is high.

    A strong healthy Immune System will protect against most pathogens. “An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure,” definitely applies to your immune health. Invest wisely in the Immune System bank account for you and your family because Great Health = True Wealth!

    Please use the coupon code “coldflu” when adding these 2 items to your cart & receive your 10% savings on these Cold & Flu Prevention products!